Teacher Workshops

Each Saturday workshop begins at 9:00 with a short introduction and a light breakfast. The teachers attend different and exciting sessions during the day. An example of the session topics for our first workshops were: Exploding Dots, Math Circles, and Cuisenaire Rods. Lunch is provided at noon. Finally, teachers fill out a short evaluation of the workshop, receive their stipend, and leave for the day about 2 pm. Testimonials

The feedback from the teachers has been fantastic! They also shared many of the difficulties they face including the fact that students have widely different abilities and backgrounds, the use of different curriculums in different schools making it difficult for a teacher or student who changes schools, and the need for teachers to work on weekends and even pay for some of their classroom supplies. Teachers have been VERY positive about the in-class visits by experienced peer coaches. We use feedback from teachers to improve subsequent events.

Materials Used at Workshops are available under Resources for Teachers