
Hi, Dr. Lomax…My colleague and I had expressed an extreme interest in starting Math Circles here at Salazar.  I am happy to report that James Taylor did a Math Circle with my class today and he is going to help us start one here at Salazar maybe once a week after school.  I wish you could have seen some of the quieter, “I’m no good in math” students who were outshining everyone!  The girls were really shining too, even though they were embarrassed and shy at first.  Thank you for helping us to bring him here!

Teacher | In-Class Coaching

Thank you very much for coming to our classrooms today.  The students really enjoyed the activity and had fun letting their parents know that they did “college math” today.  I appreciate you taking the time to work with my students. Thank you also for sending along the math activity.  For the rest of the year, I hope to add in four or five math circle times with the students.

Teacher | In-Class Coaching

My students enjoyed the session.  During Parent/Teacher conferences last week students enthusiastically described the “x” game and making triangle problems to their parents. Many did relate it to problem solving and looking at problems different ways. The exercises met my goal to introduce creative problem solving to the students. I would like to do more of these activities. Thank you very much for joining us and I would like to have you back. I will see you Saturday for MathAmigos.

Teacher | Workshop

Congratulations!  What I saw were people from different communities sharing fun math games and challenging one another.  I saw teachers getting together from different schools networking and discussing best practices, I saw shy parents at first- thinking this is just for kids, finally come off the bleachers and let the kids show them how much fun math is, I saw Math Amigos staff beam with pride that it had finally come together and pleased at the success, I saw proud kids sing songs that they were proud of, we saw book sales from our book fair go up! I saw real life math from posters that Mr. Acosta’s parents did as a family project, I saw appreciative families eat a delicious dinner that our girls in the cafeteria were proud of, I saw happy teachers and custodians excited about getting paid an honorarium to host a table or put in extra hours to clean, but mostly I saw a safe place for fun learning in Math.

Good job Math Amigos!  I was happy that you chose Sweeney to be the location.

Joyce Sanchez

Teacher, Salazar Elementary

Congratulations for a great night of math and science games and activities. Math Amigos put on a great event. Let me know about all future activities so I can again help out.
Erica Wheeler

Teacher Grade 4, Sweeney Elementary

I was pleased with the response once again to the workshop.  Thank you for all you and your team does to help out SFPS… Thank you again for your dedication to help our students and teachers.

Maureen Cashmon, Board of Education Vice President

I have been using the Exploding Dots in my classes and the kids are amazed. I also showed it to my son (who is in Algebra 2) and he not only loved it, but has shared it with his teacher at Santa Fe High. I am really enjoying all that you are doing!

Teacher | Workshop

My name is Joyce Sanchez… My colleague and I had expressed an extreme interest in starting Math Circles here at Salazar. I am happy to report that James Taylor did a Math Circle with my class today and he is going to help Natalia and I start one here at Salazar maybe once a week after school. I wish you could have seen some of the quieter, “I’m no good in math” students who were outshining everyone! The girls were really shining too, even though they were embarrassed and shy at first. Thank you for helping us to bring him here.
Joyce Sanchez

Teacher, Salazar Elementary

Family night was most enjoyable and looks like a resounding success! Thank you for all of the activities for math Amigos this year! They were really fun and instructive. Please tell James and Dean and Gary how much we appreciate all their work.
Melissa Lomax PhD

SFPS Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Santa Fe Public Schools