Counting on Literature … Doubling Opportunities to Learn


Grades Pre-K to Grade 2
Apple Fractions – Jerry Pallotta                (Pre-K to Gr 2)
Divide and Ride – Stuart Murphy               (Pre-K to Gr 2)
Zero the Hero – Joan Holub                    (K-Gr 2)
Pizza Pizzazz – Carol Losi                      (Gr 1-2)

Grades 3-5     
Coyotes All Around – Stuart Murphy        (Gr 3-4)
The Lion’s Share:  A Tale of Halving Cake and Eating it Too –Matthew McElligott  (Gr 3-5)
Eating Fractions – Bruce McMillan           (Grades 3-5)
I’m Trying to Love Math – Bethany Barto  (Grades 3-5)

Grades Pre-K to 5
One Grain of Rice, A Mathematical Folktale – Demi   (Grades PreK – Gr 5)
The Greedy Triangle – Marilyn Burns                         (Grades K – Gr 5)
The Great Divide – Dayle Ann Dodds                              (Grades 1- 5)

Click here to check out the article, “Counting on Literature,” highlighting these math-themed books by Judy Reinhartz.
Acknowledgement: Article originally appeared in Tumbleweeds, Spring 2020, March, April, May, Vol. 25, No.4, pp. 12-13.