Judy Reinhartz, PhD, joined MathAmigos in 2018. Judy created and now leads MathAmigos’ Embedding Literacy in Math program, MathAmigos workshops, and teacher coaching cohorts for this program, optimizing learning through literacy. Judy and Roberta Colton collaborated with Santa Fe Public Library staff to develop a successful 2020 summer program called Mathemagical Times designed to build the math and reading skills of Santa Fe’s children and youth. Judy was instrumental in choosing books, creating activities, and facilitating weekly Zoom gatherings for kids in four different age groups. Judy is Professor Emeritus and retired administrator in the College of Education at The University of Texas at El Paso. As a professor at The University of Texas at Arlington she taught undergraduate and graduate courses for pre/in-service teachers and principals, held numerous leadership posts, and received the University Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. As an author, Judy’s numerous publications include journal articles (Counting on Literature: Combining Literacy with Math Education and STEM: Let’s Go a’Wandering!), blogs, and books, notably Growing Language Through Science: Strategies That Work. Judy is a past co-lead of the Interfaith Coalition for Public Education, working on numerous projects to improve academic outcomes. She currently serves on the board of Santa Fe Alliance for Science, and is co-leader of the Alliance’s Adopt-A-School program at Nino Otero Community School, one of MathAmigos’ five target schools.